Monday, November 24, 2008

Mitzvah Projects

To select a mitzvah project, it is important to think about what the bar/bat mitzvah child's interests are and where their passions lie. It is good for the family to weigh in too so that it can become something that the whole family believes in. The following website has many tools for students and families to use to get ideas for mitzvah projects and explore the world of community service projects in general.

Go to On the Mitzvah Central page, explore the following: Mitzvah Machine, Personality Quiz, Mitzvah Project Gallery, Mitzvah Project Ideas and Ease the Suffering of the Needy

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Bar/Bat Mitzvah Pyramid

Here's a way to think about all the people that are involved in your child's simcha. Of course the child is the most important, but for the pyramid to be complete, all the rest must be included. In our next program, one of the things we will be talking about is how to find ways to include EVERYONE in the event. Over the Thanksgiving holiday, if you are with family, talk to them about ways they might be included!